Retirement Planning

The path to retirement is unique. The idea of retirement has changed. 

Retirement Planning

Let’s face it, retirement planning can be intimidating for some people. When it comes to the retirement conversation, we sit down with you and listen to everything – your fears, hopes, and dreams. We plan with you so you can live your best retirement life, whatever that looks like!

Everyone is in a different stage of planning for retirement or semi-retirement -whether you are pre- or post, you need to ensure your financial plan incorporates the right strategy at the right time. We collaborate with you to create a personalized plan that meets you where you are at. We also review this plan annually and when life events occur, adjust things according to your needs.

At FSW, we take the time to focus on the in-depth conversations and advice necessary to build a strong retirement and life plan to maximize your retirement income. Your Advisor focuses on your circumstances and goals and works with our team of Portfolio Managers to ensure your investments are structured to build wealth in the most tax-efficient way to enhance your retirement income. We also work with you to explore strategies designed to increase your retirement paycheque, so you have the financial security and freedom you deserve.